@elderberry: at this point you know what is right and wrong in the organization. What you believe and whether it is correct is irrelevant, you know the flaws in the organization yet you continue to support them in your position.
The GB through certain teachings are responsible for systematic child abuse, mental abuse and self-enrichment. Doesnât that make you responsible as elder that teaches and (at least pretends to) supports this, regardless of personal beliefs, in the eyes of God, morality and the law? Like a soldier that knows his orders are against the rules of war and still executes them, said soldier is held responsible.
JW Lite is the worst kind of JW because you know it is wrong yet you are too cowardly to stand up for yourself and your fellow people, especially the children.
If you and your friends truly believe the GB is fallible and has strayed, declare your congregation independent from the organization and claw back your rights, dignity and property.